5 year old girl with abdominal pain and discomfort and one episode of fever spike

5 year old girl with abdominal pain and discomfort and one episode of fever spike

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7 year old, female child presented with intermittent abdominal pain (lasting for 15-20 min), vomiting (4-5 episodes non bilious) and fever for 2 days. Not passed stools since 2 days.

7 year old, female child presented with intermittent abdominal pain (lasting for 15-20 min), vomiting (4-5 episodes non bilious) and fever for 2 days. Not passed stools since 2 days.

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46 Year old female patient presents with right iliac fossa and supraumbilical pain, loose stools

46 Year old female patient presents with right iliac fossa and supraumbilical pain, loose stools

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A 16 years old male presented with complains of reduced hand grip, reduced sensation over the medial aspect of little and ring fingers bilaterally(right>left) for the past 3 months on left and for the past 6 months on right.

A 16 years old male presented with complains of reduced hand grip, reduced sensation over the medial aspect of little and ring fingers bilaterally(right>left) for the past 3 months on left and for the past 6 months on right.

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51 yr old male presented with abnormal behaviour.

51 yr old male presented with abnormal behaviour.

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A 45 years, old female patient presented with complaints of insomnia, impaired memory, behavior changes, confusion, progressive psychosis and urinary incontinence.

A 45 years, old female patient presented with complaints of insomnia, impaired memory, behavior changes, confusion, progressive psychosis and urinary incontinence. Patient experienced myoclonus of both hands and eyelids.

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63 years old known case of polycythemia on treatment. Recently developed secondary myelofibrosis.

63 years old known case of polycythemia on treatment. Recently developed secondary myelofibrosis. Now patient presented with cognitive decline and speech difficulty with paresthesia of right hand.

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16-year-Male presented with Swelling in right upper limb since 5 months, increasing in size since then, Episodes of high grade of fever and weakness in right upper limb

16-year-Male presented with Swelling in right upper limb since 5 months, increasing in size since then, Episodes of high grade of fever and weakness in right upper limb

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